

Storage and Warehousing of Goods

In the dynamic world of trade and logistics, the storage and warehousing of goods play a crucial role. "Site Name" offers various flexible storage solutions in Calais and Dunkirk, adapted to short, medium, or long-term needs. Whether you are looking to store goods in large quantities or optimize the space in your premises, our personalized service caters to your specific requirements.

Stored in our secure warehouses, they are ready for storage in an environment where every detail matters. Our facilities, equipped with advanced machinery and technology, allow for easy handling of your cargo, ensuring efficiency and peace of mind.

In the competitive world of trade, effective inventory management is crucial. Our advanced storage solutions provide a tailored response to this necessity, combining maximum security with optimal management. Whether you require temporary storage or a long-term storage solution, our services adapt to your specific needs to ensure seamless inventory management.

Within each storage warehouse, products are efficiently organized on pallet racks. This method optimizes space while ensuring easy and secure access to your goods, essential for maximizing profitability and operational efficiency in storage. With "Site Name," you choose secure and efficient storage with numerous advantages, including:

  • A total storage capacity of 50,000m2 at the Ports of Calais and Dunkirk 
  • State-of-the-art new equipment 
  • Qualified staff 
  • An ideal location: at the gateway to Great Britain, at the heart of Europe. Close to the A16 and A26 motorways. 
  • Access control to the site and warehouses (OEA) 
  • An alarm and remote monitoring system 
  • Fire detection system 
  • Technical patrols

Our storage activity goes along with expertise in inventory management, packaging, and shipping tailored to your business.


Advanced Solutions for Efficient and Secure Management of Your Goods


What are the benefits of warehousing for companies?

Warehousing offers numerous strategic advantages for companies looking to optimize their logistical efficiency. By choosing our storage services, you gain access to these benefits, from improved inventory management to reduced logistical costs, along with increased security for your goods. Let's explore together the concrete advantages that our warehousing solution brings to your business.

A Solution Dedicated to Effective Inventory Management

At the core of our warehousing service is our commitment to providing you with effective inventory management, essential for maximizing the profitability and operational efficiency of our customers. Warehousing at "Site Name" offers complete visibility and precise control over stock levels, allowing optimal planning and resource allocation.

We employ advanced inventory management systems that incorporate technologies such as barcode tracking and RFID (radio-frequency identification). These tools enable us to track the real-time status and location of each stored item, providing complete transparency and data accessibility for our customers. This technology also eases rapid refill, efficient stock rotation, and reduces the risk of handling errors.

Our logistics experts work closely with each customer to understand and anticipate their specific needs. This allows us to customize our storage services, adjust storage spaces, and optimize inventory management based on seasonal demands, production cycles, and market fluctuations.

Effective inventory management in our warehouses not only reduces costs related to excess inventory and stockouts but also enhances the entire supply chain. With "Site Name," companies can expect inventory management that proactively supports their business and operational targets.

Cost Reduction in Transportation and Production

One of the most significant advantages of our warehousing service is the reduction of transportation and production costs for our customers. By storing goods near major distribution routes and target markets, companies significantly decrease distances and, consequently, transportation-related costs. This proximity not only lowers fuel and vehicle maintenance expenses but also reduces carbon footprint, an increasingly crucial aspect in the modern economy.

Our storage approach contributes to improved production planning. With quick access to necessary stocks, companies can adjust production based on actual demand, avoiding costly overproduction and resource waste. This flexibility in inventory management allows for a more dynamic response to market fluctuations, providing a notable competitive advantage.

In essence, our warehousing service offers a strategic opportunity to streamline operations and reduce overall costs while maintaining a high level of responsiveness to market needs.

Warehouse Storage System: Ensuring the Security of Goods

The security of stored goods is an absolute priority in our warehousing services. We understand that safeguarding your inventory is crucial for preserving your capital and ensuring the continuity of your business operations. That's why our warehouses are equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, providing comprehensive protection against the risks of theft, damage, or deterioration.

Our facilities feature advanced monitoring systems, including continuous CCTV and alarm systems connected to security services. Furthermore, our stringent access control procedures ensure that only authorized individuals can access storage areas. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized intrusions or improper handling of stocks.

Our warehouses are, of course, designed to withstand various environmental conditions and are equipped with fire detection and prevention systems. Regular inspections and technical patrols are conducted to ensure the integrity and functionality of all our security systems.

By choosing "Site Name" for the storage of your goods, you gain peace of mind, knowing that your inventory is stored in a highly secure environment, minimizing risks, and ensuring the sustainability of your assets.

Manage Seasonality and Demand Fluctuations

Our storage solutions are specially designed to handle seasonal variations and demand fluctuations. With flexible capacities, our warehouses allow companies to store more goods during peak demand periods and reduce space during off-peak times. This dynamic approach helps minimize unnecessary costs and ensures a constant availability of products to effectively meet market demands.

Furthermore, we implement proactive storage strategies to anticipate market changes. By closely collaborating with our customers, we identify sales trends and cycles, enabling us to adjust our storage and logistics services accordingly.

Focus on Your Core Business

External storage services provide companies with the opportunity to fully concentrate on their core activities. By outsourcing logistical management through our storage methods, our customers can allocate more resources and energy to their primary functions, whether it's production, marketing, sales, or innovation.

This outsourcing allows companies to free themselves from operational constraints related to storage and inventory management. This, in turn, grants them greater flexibility to expand, explore new market opportunities, and enhance products and services.

Thus, choosing a reliable partner for inventory management not only optimizes logistical operations but also strengthens the strategic position of the company in its market.


TSF Zone: Another Possible Storage Solution

TSF Zone, or Temporary Storage Facility, is a regulated area where non-Union goods are temporarily stored between their arrival and customs clearance or re-exportation. These zones play a crucial role in the international logistics chain as they allow for flexible and efficient management of goods awaiting their destination.

The operation of a TSF Zone is strictly regulated. Access to these zones requires a special authorization issued by customs authorities. This measure ensures security and compliance with customs regulations. The storage duration in an TSF Zone is limited, typically to 90 days, during which customs duties, taxes, and other trade policy measures are not applied.

TSF Zones are particularly useful for companies involved in international trade. They provide a flexible solution for the temporary storage of goods in transit, thus facilitating customs procedures. They enable companies to efficiently manage deadlines and costs by optimizing storage operations and facilitating the swift transfer of goods to various destinations.

At "Site Name," we offer these TSF storage solutions. By choosing an TSF Zone for your temporary storage needs, you benefit from a practical and cost-effective solution tailored to the specificities of international trade.